For Parents


Please check the HEALTH TAB to be sure your student is up to date.
If your child receives a related service such as speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy or counseling, service logs are available upon request.  


  • Please call the attendance line by 9am on the day of the absence.  

  • Elementary Attendance Line:  309-723-6531  option 5

  • Jr/Sr High Attendance Line: 309-723-2951 option 5


Ridgeview is dedicated to establishing and maintaining a positive working relationship between the home and school.  In doing so, we have found it educationally beneficial to invite parents into the school for conferences.
Conferences are held twice a year: Fall and Spring.  More information will be posted when the dates are set.
Please note, you may contact the school or the teachers by phone or email at any time during the year with any concerns you may have.

Conferences may be scheduled in Family Access or by calling the school secretary.
Click here for directions on scheduling your conferences through Family Access.

Ridgeview Facilities

To reserve the use of Ridgeview Facilities you must submit the Use of Facilities Form.