District Nurse
(309) 723-6531 Ext: 3005
FAX: 309-723-2828
School Health

Alesha Starks (Kern) RN, BSN, PEL-CSN

Health Requirements
Transfer Students Including from Another State
Activity Clearance/Accommodations Form
School Medication Authorization Form ( Rx and OTC)
Food Allergy Management Plan
Food Allergy Substitution Form
Food Allergy Action Plan
Childhood Lead Risk Questionnaire
Prescription Medication Policy
Over The Counter Medication Policy
CDC Parents for Healthy Schools
Smart Snacks Product Calculator
CDC Adolescent & School
Tobacco Quitline
Action for Healthy Kids
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
John M Scott Health Resource

If your family is in need of toothbrushes or toothpaste, please let me know!

Vision & Hearing Screenings:
Each year vision screenings will be done, as mandated by the state of Illinois, for the following students: PreK/ECE, Kindergarten, 2nd grade, 8th grade, all new/transfer students, all special education students, students receiving interventions, and any students referred by a teacher. Hearing screenings will be done for all PreK/ECE, Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, all new/transfer students, all special education students, students receiving interventions, and any students referred by a teacher. The screenings will be done free of charge by an IDPH certified technician. Vision screening is not a substitute for a complete eye and vision evaluation by an eye doctor. Your child is not required to undergo this vision screening if an optometrist or ophthalmologist has completed and signed a report indicating that an examination has been administered within the previous 12 months and that evaluation is on file in the student’s health record.
NOTE: This is NOT a request for permission to screen. Permission to screen is not required as vision and hearing screenings are state mandates.
Behavioral Assessments:
Request for behavior/health observations from physicians or outside institutions will be processed by the school nurse. The request for information will be brought to the school nurse. A location to send the materials and a deadline must accompany the request. The school nurse will distribute the forms to the appropriate teachers and collect the forms. The school nurse will send the forms to the appropriate professional for evaluation. ( An example of these are Vanderbilt assessments for ADHD)
Immunization data is reported to ISBE by November 15th annually. If you require this data please make a request directly to ISBE or find it here https://www.isbe.net/Pages/Health-Requirements-Student-Health-Data.aspx 105 ILCS 5/27-8.1, amended by P.A. 97-910, eff. 1-1-13.
Frequently Asked Questions:
My child uses an inhaler. Can he/she carry it with him at school? State law permits students to carry their inhaler with them at school, providing that the inhaler has the pharmacy label on it, the school's medication authorization form has been completed by the parent & physician and on file in the school nurse's office, and the inhaler has been checked by the school nurse. A copy of the Ridgeview "Medication Authorization Form" can be obtained by contacting one of the school offices, the school nurse, or by clicking the link on the left side of this page.
My child occasionally uses over-the-counter medications for a headache or other minor pain. Can he/she just keep a bottle of that medication in his/her car, or even just run home for some and return to school if needed? Medication administration at school will follow the prescription and over-the-counter medication policies. Refer to those links on the Ridgeview website under “Health.” Students will not be permitted to go to their cars during the school day for medication or go home for medication and return to school for liability reasons.
I'm on my way to the doctor's office/emergency room and I don't have Ridgeview's medication authorization forms with me in case the doctor wants my child to receive medications at school. What do I do? Ask the office nurse to go to Ridgeview's website at www.ridgeview19.org and click on "Health." Ridgeview's "School Medication Authorization Form" can be downloaded from there, signed by your physician & a parent, and brought to school with the appropriate medication.
My student's medication at home has been changed since the beginning of the year. Does the school nurse need that information? Since the effects of medication taken outside of school are experienced at school, it is recommended that parents/guardians notify the school nurse of medications taken both at home & school. Potential side effects of those medications can also be monitored.