Daily Announcements

Lunch today:

Irish Nachos

Chicken Nuggets


Meatball Pizza Sub

Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza

Dear Talented Ridgeview Students:

May 4th from 5 - 7pm is our First Ever SPARK FEST.  We want you to perform and showcase your talents in our show.   See Mr Metz for more information and let him know about the talent you would like to showcase.  If you aren’t planning to perform, save the date MAY 4th, and make plans to attend SPARK FEST.  

Please dismiss the HS girls & boys track team at 1:30.  Your bus will leave from the glass hallway at 1:45.


There will be a Volleyball meeting for 8th grade-Juniors interested in playing HS volleyball in the fall on Tuesday next week in Mrs. Kukuck’s room during 9th hour.

There will be a HS girls basketball meeting next Wednesday March 22nd in Mr. Kennedy's room during 9th hour for any 8th grade-Junior girls interested in playing basketball next year. 


Attention: Juniors, Sophomores, & Freshmen:

We will be completing pretest information for the SAT & PSAT tests next week.

Juniors will be released at 2:15 to the library on Wednesday.

Sophomores will be released at 2:20 to the library on Thursday.

Freshmen will be released to the Main Study Hall at 2:25 on Friday.

Juniors will test on April 12th, Sophomores on April 19th, 

and Freshmen on April 20th.