Daily Announcements

Lunch today:

Salisbury Steak w/Roll

Chicken Nuggets


Pepperoni Pizza

Mozzarella Sticks

Attention students interested in participating in SPARK FEST, make sure to be checking in with Mr. Metz about your interest in Performing at Spark Fest, Participating in the Senior Flex that night, or Volunteering to help at the event. 

Anyone interested in being on the swim team at the Colfax pool this summer please pick up a form in the office or from Mrs. Jones.

Atten Jr’s & Sr’s - Prom dance cards are available in the high school office. Cost is $15 per person. Your tickets must be bought BEFORE the dance.

After prom permission slips are in the office.  All Juniors & Senior are welcome to attend after prom even if you don’t attend the dance itself.  Every person attending after prom must have a completed form.  Forms are due April 14th.

The Ridgeview Junior High Student Council would like to invite all Junior High Students to a Neon, 80's Bash on Friday, April 14th in the APR from 6:00-7:30 pm.  The cost is $2.   Snacks and water will be provided. If you need a permission slips see Mrs. Kennedy.  Hope to see you there!!

Attention all Behind the Wheel students. Please stop by Mrs. Schultz's room and grab a driving schedule or check your email for this week's driving schedule. Mr. Cliffe will be here to drive students on Wednesday. 

Please release the HS track members who are participating in today’s meet at 2:20.


The touch pro team will meet today in Mr. Kennedy’s room 9th hour