Daily Announcements

Lunch today:

Beef Nachos

Chicken Sandwich

Strawberry Yogurt Parfait

Pepperoni Pizza


Congratulations to Grace Getty on being elected at the 2023-24 FFA section 9 reporter.

The McLeod-Wargo Theatre Scholarship for seniors is now posted on the Theatre Club google classroom for interested Seniors who wish to apply.  Applications are due by April 28th.

Atten Jr’s & Sr’s - Prom dance cards are available in the high school office. Cost is $15 per person. Your tickets must be bought BEFORE the dance.

Attention Students interested in being a Spark Fest performer who haven't talked with Mr Metz please do so this week.  Seniors the deadline to get your paperwork in to Mr Metz for the Senior Flex is April 28th!

8th health - you will report to the gym for 3rd hour today.


There will be a senior class meeting today during the activity period in Mr. Riggins room.

The touch pro team will meet today during 9th hour in Mr. Kennedy’s room

Junior High Scholastic Bowl will have their awards lunch today in Mrs. Jones room. Please check the Google Classroom for more information.


Attention seniors:  The Fairbury VFW is running a senior essay contest.  You must write a 500 word essay on Patriotism and Citizenship.  Prizes are 1st place $500, 2nd place $250, and 3rd place $100.  We have received no entries yet.  They are due Monday, May 1st.  This is a big amount of money for very little effort.  The office has entry forms with details.