Daily Announcements

Lunch today:

Orange Chicken w/Rice

Corn Dog

Yogurt Power Pack

Cheese Pizza


Mr. Cliffe is here to drive this afternoon.  Please meet him in front of the office if you are scheduled to drive today.

Seniors: The McLeod-Wargo Theatre Scholarship applications are due by Friday

Atten Jr’s & Sr’s - Prom is this Saturday.  Dance cards must be turned in and tickets paid for by noon on Friday.

Theatre Club will practice after school Thursday until 4 - 4:15 For the Spark FEST

Seniors please get in your forms to join us for the Senior Flex on May 4th.  Deadline Friday the 28th.


There will be a meeting in Mr. Kennedy's room today at 2:40 for any current 8th grader through Junior interested in Football Cheerleading or Comp Cheerleading next year. 

If you are unable to attend the meeting please see Mr. Kennedy to get information that will be covered. 


Attention seniors:  The Colfax VFW is running a senior essay contest.  You must write a 500 word essay on Patriotism and Citizenship.  Prizes are 1st place $500, 2nd place $250, and 3rd place $100.  We have received no entries yet.  They are due Monday, May 1st.  This is a big amount of money for very little effort.  The office has entry forms with details.

Any juniors that did not sign up for Dual Credit English next year but still want to be in it need to see Mr. Taylor or Mr. Quinn by the end of the day today.