Daily Announcements

Lunch today:

Cheese Dunkers

Chicken Nuggets


Pepperoni Pizza

Attention all students -Don’t forget to order your yearbook. High School yearbooks are $40, Junior High yearbooks are $20.  You can bring cash or check to the office or pay in skyward.  2022-23 yearbooks will be delivered next fall.

We are offering summer school again this year to help students stay on track for graduation. If you are credit deficient and could benefit from credit recovery, summer school may be for you. Stop by the office and pick up a summer school form today.


There will be a JH Baseball meeting on Monday, 5/15 at 2:40p in Mr. Kennedy’s classroom.

Attention all HS Freshmen thru Junior Student Council members.  There will be a meeting in the Media Center Tuesday May 16th during 9th hour! 



A Message from Project Oz:

Find your focus.

Each day deserves your full focus. Whether you’re studying for a test, playing a

game, or learning a new skill, you need to keep your mind sharp. Alcohol can

get in the way by stealing your attention. That’s something you can’t afford to
