Daily Announcements

Lunch today:

Cheese Pizza

Pepperoni Pizza


Mrs. Meints Spanish classes, study hall and Mrs. Kukuck’s health class will meet in the main study hall today.

High Schooler’s - Homecoming’s right around the corner.  Purchase your class shirt now.  Drop off your $15 in the high school office.  Orders due by September 1.

Attention all High School Students. If you want to join HS Student council this year, now is the time to fill out an application and turn it into Mrs. Schultz ASAP! Applications are in the HS office. If you have questions, please come and talk to Mrs. Schultz. 

Do you love art? Do you like to craft or create stuff in your free time? Then join the Art Club! Art club will be a place where you can work on artwork, try new art materials and techniques, and hangout with a bunch of people who also like those things! If you would like to join you must be in 8th grade or High school. You do not need to be in an art class currently. Meetings will be Tuesdays during activity period till the end of school or till 4:30 for people who are able to stay longer!  If you are not currently in an art class, stop by the art room any time to pick up a permission slip.

Hope to see you at our first meeting on August 29th during activity period!

There will be an assembly today at 1:30pm. Students will be dismissed from their 7th period. Mackenzie Nelson from SAD (Stay Another Day) will speak about her mental health journey and how we can break the stigma around Mental Health.


The deadline to make changes to your schedule is Monday.  See Mr. Quinn, Mr. Taylor or Ms. Swartz if you have any scheduling needs.