Daily Announcements

Lunch today:

Chicken Nuggets

Corn Dog


Mozzarella Sticks

Pepperoni Pizza

High Schooler’s - Homecoming’s right around the corner.  Purchase your class shirt now.  Drop off your $15 in the high school office.  Orders due by this Thursday!

Today is the first Art Club meeting, please go to your 9th hour first to be counted for attendance and then come to the art room with your signed permission form and your supplies

High School Students; check your email to request your favorite song for the Homecoming Dance ASAP

Anyone wishing to be a part of the Fall Play (cast or crew) needs to see Mr Metz to grab and fill out Casting Paperwork.  See everyone Wednesday for Casting after school.  


There will be a High School basketball Cheer meeting tomorrow during 9th hour in Mr. Kennedy’s room 

Anyone interested in playing HS boys basketball there will be a meeting Wednesday, August 30  during mentoring in the gym.

There will be a student council meeting in the Media Center 9th hour today. If you can not make it, please let Mrs. Schultz know.

There will be Homecoming Class meetings on Wednesday the 6th and Friday the 8th. 

Same locations as last meetings.


Sophomores - Bunting

Juniors- HS gym

Seniors - APR 


Junior class meeting will be Wednesday, 9th hour in the library.

Sophomore class meeting will be Tuesday, September 5 9th hour in the library

Freshman class meeting will be Thursday, September 7th 9th hour in the library.