Daily Announcements

Lunch today:

Chicken Alfredo



Pepperoni Calzone

Cheese Pizza

High Schooler’s - Homecoming’s right around the corner.  Purchase your class shirt now.  Drop off your $15 in the high school office.  Orders due by this Thursday!

High School Students; check your email to request your favorite song for the Homecoming Dance ASAP

Anyone wishing to be a part of the Fall Play (cast or crew) needs to see Mr Metz to grab and fill out Casting Paperwork.  See everyone today for Casting after school.  


There will be a High School basketball Cheer meeting today during 9th hour in Mr. Kennedy’s room 

Anyone interested in playing HS boys basketball there will be a meeting today during mentoring in the gym.

There will be Homecoming Class meetings next Wednesday the 6th and Friday the 8th. 

Same locations as last meetings.


Sophomores - Bunting

Juniors- HS gym

Seniors - APR 


There will be a Junior class meeting today, 9th hour in the library.

Sophomore class meeting will be Tuesday, September 5 9th hour in the library

Freshman class meeting will be Thursday, September 7th 9th hour in the library.