Lunch today:
Cheeseburger Helper
BBQ Rib Sandwich
Pepperoni Pizza
Mozzarella Sticks
Attention all HS Student Council members: If you have not gotten a permission slip to go decorate for the dance on Friday, please stop by Mrs. Schultz's room asap to grab one.
There is a photo station set up in the main hs hallway by the office. Feel free to stop by and take some pictures!
Attention HS students - Reminder - Friday we will take a bus to the Lexington parade for all students who have permission. Permission slips were emailed to your parents. Any student without permission will remain at school with supervision.
Are you planning to go to the Homecoming dance? You must have a dance card and ticket purchased before you will be allowed into the dance. Tickets are $10. You have until Friday at noon.
Thursday night’s Volleyball game against Lexington will be a white out!
HS Basketball cheer will meet Coach Clements in the APR locker room 9th hour on Wednesday, September 20th for skirt fittings.
Seniors, create your CommonApp profile now! You should be applying to colleges now. Early action deadline is November 1st.
Anyone signed up to take the PSAT, bring $18 to the high school office. If you cannot afford this, please talk to Ms. Swartz.
Juniors and Seniors remember to apply for college scholarships through the new Guidance page on our website. Some scholarships only require you to be 16 years old. Get started on saving money for college early!
The navy will be here on Wednesday 9th hour in the library.