Daily Announcements

Lunch Today:

Grilled Hamburger

Grilled Hot Dog


Grilled Brats

Attention HS students - If you do not have a dance card signed you cannot go to the Homecoming dance.  If you do not have a ticket purchased, you cannot go to the dance.  Come to the office to do both of these things BEFORE lunch.

HS and JH will switch lunch hours today.  HS students will be called to the gym for counting at the end of 5th hour and dismissed to lunch from there. At 11:55a, JH students will report to 6th hour and then go to lunch at 12:39p

Attention HS Band Members - grab your lunch, eat it and head to the band room as soon as you’re done to get ready for the pep rally.


There will be a hs baseball sign up meeting on Monday, 9-25-23 in Mr. Kennedy’s room at    2:40 pm

There will be a JH Wrestling meeting Thursday, 9-28-23 during lunch in Mr. Kennedy’s room

There will be a HS Wrestling meeting Thursday, 9-28-23 during lunch in Mr. Kennedy’s room


Seniors, create your CommonApp profile now! You should be applying to colleges now. Early action deadline is November 1st.

Anyone signed up to take the PSAT, bring $18 to the high school office. If you cannot afford this, please talk to Ms. Swartz.

The National Youth Leadership Forum provides summer internship opportunities for students interested in a career in medicine.  See Mr. Quinn or Mrs. Swartz for details.