Daily Announcements

Lunch Today:

Chicken Alfredo



Pepperoni Calzone

Cheese Pizza

Attention Students & Teachers: TODAY is Picture Day.  We will call for students by group via intercom.

All HS Student council members, please check your team reach app. Also, money is due to Mrs. Schultz for  your sweatshirt. 

Attention Students: Mr. Biggiam’s PE classes will be in the main study hall today.



Seniors and Juniors check your email to sign up for the Heartland Campus Visit.  Deadline to sign up is Oct 12.

As we look to add more dual credit classes in upcoming years, we need our students to complete an application for Heartland's system.  Freshman &  Sophmores - make sure to know your social security number for your class's application party.  Sophomores today and Freshman on October 11 during 9th hour in the library.