Lunch Today:
Cheese Bites
Spicy Chicken
Pork Fritter Sandwich
Buffalo Chicken Pizza
Attention Juniors - Tickets for the after prom fundraiser are available in the office to sign out. Tickets sales money is due by next Monday, Feb 5. There are prizes for the top sellers. Up for grabs is free parking and first pick next year.
Attention all staff, JH and HS ..... the HS student council valentines day fundraiser is happening now!! You can buy candy and stickers in Mrs. Schultz's room during 9th hour!! Your 9th hour teachers should be going over the fundraiser information with you!
There will be a HS Football meeting for anyone interested in playing next year. Current 8th graders thru Juniors will meet in Mr. Kennedy’s room today during 9th hour.
If you are interested in science, technology or just doing some cool stuff and are interested in joining the Junior High or High School STEM club, stop by Mr. Brunner's room 124, NEXT Wednesday, Feb 7th, during activity period to get some more information and get started. If you can’t make it to the meeting, stop by and talk with Mr. Brunner.
Attention seniors. Many scholarships are now becoming available. These scholarships get sent out on Family Access and also by email to the senior class. Make sure that you are checking these sites regularly. Please see Miss Swartz, Mr. Quinn, or Mr. Taylor if you have scholarship questions.