Lunch Today:
Chicken Fajita Bowl
Chicken Sandwich
Yogurt Power Pack
Pepperoni Pizza
Mozzarella Sticks
Attention students - it’s time to order your yearbook if you have not done so already. High School yearbooks are $40, Junior HIgh yearbooks are $20.
Juniors and Seniors - prom dance cards are due this week. You must complete the form and purchase your ticket by Thursday. Remember there’s no school Friday.
Please dismiss the HS girls Track team at 2:15, JH track at 2:45 and HS Baseball at 2:25 today.
Atten HS Science students who are attending the Six Flags trip, there will be a meeting tomorrow during lunch in Mr. Brunners room.
There will be a HS girls and boys golf meeting on Thursday during 9th hour for any current 8th grader through Juniors that are interested in golfing next fall. The meeting will be in Mr. Kennedy's room.
Another message from Project Oz:
You know the truth- underage drinking is serious. It is not a game. Drinking alcohol when you are underage puts your health and safety at risk. Your brain is who you are. It is what allows you to think, breathe, move, speak, and feel. It’s just 3 pounds of gray-and-white matter that rests in your skull, and it is your own personal “mission control.” Your brain is particularly vulnerable to damage from alcohol while it is still developing – well into the 20s!