Lunch Today:
Bosco Sticks
Corn Dog
Cheese Pizz
Garlic Cheese Pull A Part Bread
Attention students - it’s time to order your yearbook if you have not done so already. High School yearbooks are $40, Junior HIgh yearbooks are $20.
Juniors and Seniors -Your prom tickets must be paid for by tomorrow
Please dismiss the HS Softball at 2:30 & Baseball at 2:35 today.
Atten HS Science students who are attending the Six Flags trip, there will be a meeting today during lunch in Mr. Brunners room.
There will be a HS girls and boys golf meeting on Thursday during 9th hour for any current 8th grader through Juniors that are interested in golfing next fall. The meeting will be in Mr. Kennedy's room.
There will be a color guard meeting in the band room before school at 7:50 on Monday April 29th for any incoming freshman-current junior interested in color guard next year. Please See Mr. Marchese if you have any questions.
A message from Project Oz:
The truth is that life is going to happen- sometimes for good and sometimes for not. One true thing is that you always have control over your response. Making decisions to move you forward puts you in control. The thing is, when a person drinks alcohol they have a harder time making good decisions. They are less aware that their behavior may be inappropriate or risky. They are even less likely to recognize potential danger. Deciding not to drink alcohol puts you in control and keeps you in the game.