Daily Announcements

Lunch Today:

Orange Chicken

Hot Dog


Attention all students -don’t forget to check the lost and found for any items that might be yours.  All items left here will be donated.

Summer school forms should be turned into the office asap.

Reminder - turn in any library books ASAP to avoid paying a replacement fee. 

If you are interested in Swim Team for this summer please pick up a form from Mrs. Jones or Mrs. Donaldson

HS Students please turn in your chromebook and charger to the office once you are completely done with it and need it no longer.

JH students will turn in their chromebooks starting 8th hour.  We will call you by class by intercom.

The last day to drop BACC for the fall in June 1st.  Talk or email Ms. Swartz if you wish to drop.


Today during 9th hour there will be a meeting for all current 8th grade thru 11th grade male athletes in the HS Gym.