Daily Announcements

Lunch Today:

Corn Dog

Yogurt Power Pack

Orange Chicken with Rice

Popcorn Chicken Salad


Juniors:  Don’t forget about the After Prom  Candle Fundraiser.  Top seller will get 1st pick and a free parking spot next year!  Orders are due by  Wednesday, October 30.

Anyone interested in buying a first class ticket to this year's Fall Play "This is your Captain Speaking, on October 25th and 26th please see Mr. Metz. Tickets are $8 which gives you preferred seating and dessert.

Attention all students, if you would like to participate in the Library's fall coloring contest, stop by the library today to pick up the scarecrow coloring sheet. All submissions are due by next Monday, October 21st! The winner will receive an Amazon gift card - good luck!

Detention for this week because of Parent/Teacher Conferences will be moved to tomorrow (Thursday, 10/17 at 3:10pm).

A quick review of a few items:

(1) “Electronic Device Policy” for everyone!

  • The use of electronic devices and other technology at school is a privilege, not a right. During instructional time, which includes class periods, cell phones must be placed in a cell phone holder provided by each teacher.

  • Students are allowed to use electronic devices during non-instructional time, which is defined as before, after school, passing periods and during the student’s lunch period. Being in the hallway during instructional time does NOT allow students to be on their phone. This is still considered instructional time. 

  • Earbuds/Headphones should NOT be utilized by students during class time. Teachers may use their discretion during study hall if they allow students to use earbuds/headphones during study hall.  However, the earbuds/headphones must be connected to the chromebook, not a cell phone.

(2) Backpacks & Drawstring Bags

  • Backpacks and other bags are to stay in lockers and not be carried by the student throughout the school day.