Daily Announcements

Lunch Today:

Chicken Leg



Pretzel & Cheese

Cheese Pizza

General Announcements

Junior High Student Council is selling Candy Cane Grams in the morning before school.  Send a Candy Cane Gram to a friend or yourself for just $1.  Candy Cane Grams will be delivered on Dec. 20th before we leave for winter break!!!

Auditions for the Spring Musical "Little Shop of Horrors" will be taking place after school on Monday, December 16th.  Any High School or 8th Grade student interested in auditioning needs to grab an information packet and sign up for a time slot on the outside of the band room door.  Please see Mr. Marchese or Mrs. Aupperle for more details.

Attention all 2nd semester driver ed students.... you will have a meeting to get your permit papers in Mrs. Schultz's room TODAY (Monday) during 9th hour! 

Reminder about the food drive. This is for all JH and HS students and staff. Bring in items to your 9th hour teacher! 10 items gets you 1 ticket and a free tshirt. The ticket goes into a huge raffle basket. You could win 25 dollars to mcdonalds, 15 dollars to subway, 15 dollars to dairy queen, a Owala water bottle, candy and more!! 

**The locker decorating contest ends this friday!!! Decorate your locker and you could win a 30 dollar hug a mug gift card!!! 

**Don't forget about Christmas dress up Spirit week next week. If you are a HS Student and you dress up, you have a chance at winning a gift basket! Each day you dress up, you get a ticket! 

**There is a meeting TODAY for ALL 2nd semester driver ed students. If you are in driver education 2nd semester with Mrs. Schultz, please go to her room today, during 9th hour for a mandatory meeting!! 

**There is a HS Student Council meeting for ONLY Freshmen and Sophomores on Wednesday in the media center during 9th hour. 

**There is a HS Student Council meeting for ONLY juniors and seniors on Friday in the media center during 9th hour. 


The Sons of the American Revolution organization has an essay contest and a speech contest available to all high school students.  See Mr. Quinn if you are interested in participating in one of these programs.

Attention seniors.  The Free Application for Federal Student Aid better known as the FAFSA, is now open.  Any student that is planning on attending college in the fall of 2025 needs to fill out a FAFSA form.  The form is available at fafsa.gov