Lunch Today:
Hot Dog
Chicken Bacon Ranch Wrap
Italian Salad
Cheese Pizza
General Announcements
Send a Candy Cane Gram to your Friends for the Holidays! The Junior High Student Council is selling them in the mornings before school - they are just $1
“Little Shop of Horrors” Auditions are on Monday - be sure to sign up for your audition time and pick up a packet if you haven’t yet. Please see Mr. Marchese or Mrs. Aupperle if you need more information.
Attention JH students, if you want to join the upcoming book club, please turn in your book money of $7.00 to Mrs. Schuler by next Tuesday 12/17. Our books will be purchased before we leave for winter break. We hope you will join us!
Please bring your food drive donations in to your 9th hour teacher - you could win a gift basket of great prizes if you bring at least 10 items!
Get your locker decorations up by Friday - you could win a $30 Hug-a-Mug gift card
Christmas Spirit Week is next week - check out the signs all over school to see what each spirit day is - high school students could win a prize for participating!
**There is a HS Student Council meeting for ONLY juniors and seniors on Friday in the media center during 9th hour.
All JH & HS classrooms will be door decorating this Friday, Dec 13 during 1st hour.
Attention 8th graders- Mrs. Kukuck’s 3rd hour 8th grade health class will report to the HS gym for class today. (Thursday)
There is a High School Cheerleader meeting today (Thursday) during lunch - grab your lunch and meet in Mr. Riggins classroom.