Lunch Today:
Hot Dog
Chicken Bacon Ranch Wrap
Italian Salad
Cheese Pizza
General Announcements
Attention 8th grader health class - you will report to the gym 3rd hour today.
Please keep (will read every Monday or whatever day we start the week - thanks!)
Here are a few reminders for ALL students and staff.
(1) Dress Code: Please ensure you are appropriately covered.
(2) No bags at all in the classroom.
(2) Cell phones should be put in the room holders.
(3) Earbuds should be taken out during class.
(4) Chromebooks need to come to school fully charged. The office will no longer have loaners for students who forget.
(5) AGAIN - reminder that you should NOT be going to your locker before the 8:10am bell rings.
Seniors - There is a FAFSA workshop at Ridgeview on Wednesday, February 5th at 6:00pm in the library. This is a great opportunity for you and your parents to get help filling out financial aid forms.
There will also be a representative from Heartland College at Ridgeview on Wednesday, February 5th, at 2:30 to talk to interested seniors or juniors. She especially wants to touch base with the students that have committed to going to Heartland next year.