Daily Announcements

Lunch Today:


Beef Enchilada

Rectangle Cheese Pizza

Baked Potato & Biscuit

Bacon/Cheeseburger Pizza 

General Announcements

It’s the last day for the Student Council Valentines Day Fundraiser. Stop in and see Mrs. Schultz anytime before 9th hour today!! Send someone something for Valentines day today!!! 

All HS student council students please be checking your team reach everyday!!! 

FFA is hosting a coloring contest!.  Coloring sheets are in the office and are due Wednesday 19th.  Winners will receive a gift card to the Ice Cream Shoppe!

Next week is FFA Week - dress up days, coloring contest, petting zoo, FFA Assembly and more!   Tuesday is ‘Tree Stand Tuesday’ Dress in Camo and Orange!  

Junior class will be selling ice cream to be delivered during lunch on Feb 28.  Orders must be in and paid for by Feb. 21st - There are fliers posted around school - find a flyer and use the QR code to order - this is open to all JH and HS students and staff.  No extras will be ordered so be sure to get your order in by next week.  


Any current 8th grader thru Junior students that are interested in playing HS Football next fall there will be a meeting in Mr. Kennedy's room today (Friday) during 9th hour.