Lunch Today:
Chicken Alfredo
Yogurt Power Pack
Bacon Cheeseburger
Cheese Pizza
General Announcements
Junior class will be selling ice cream to be delivered during lunch on Feb 28. Orders must be in and paid for by Feb. 21st - There are fliers posted around school - find a flyer and use the QR code to order - this is open to all JH and HS students and staff. No extras will be ordered so be sure to get your order in by next week. You can bring money to the office or see Ms Jurik to make your payment.
National Honor Society applications are due to Mr. Riggins this Friday by the end of the school day.
Happy National FFA Week!
If you have dressed up for FFA Week- make sure to fill out your ticket during lunch today to be entered into the raffle
8th Graders that are attending the FFA Lunch please report to the main study hall with your chromebooks when you are released for lunch.
Kiss a Pig begins today, our representatives are Mrs. Meints, Mr. Burke, Ms. Jurik, Mr. Freed, and Mr. Scholp. Bring in your change to add to a teachers change jar- change collection jars are located in Ms. Zimmerman's room during the day to donate– all money will be donated back to Midwest Food Bank.
The first clue has been posted for the Community “Deere” Scavenger hunt. Make sure to find it on our social media pages and then go take a picture with the “Deere” and send it to our social media page for a chance to win $30 in gift cards to local businesses.
Coloring Contest- Don’t forget to pick up your coloring sheet from the office. They are due by the end of the day tomorrow.
If you would like to participate in the drive your tractor to school day Thursday- Please pick up a permission form from Ms. Zimmerman.
Get ready for Today’s 9th Hour Name that Song starting at the beginning of 9th hour!
All Students - There is a boil order in effect for Colfax - after you wash your hands in the restrooms be sure to follow up with Hand Sanitizer. You can NOT drink the water - all water fountains have been turned off and water bottles are available in the office if you need one to drink.
Here are a few reminders for ALL students and staff.
(1) Dress Code: Please ensure you are appropriately covered.
(2) No bags at all in the classroom.
(2) Cell phones should be put in the room holders.
(3) Earbuds should be taken out during class.
(4) Chromebooks need to come to school fully charged. The office will no longer have loaners for students who forget.
(5) AGAIN - reminder that you should NOT be going to your locker before the 8:10am bell rings.
Attention NHS and HS Student Council members . . . . Food Packing will be today at 2:20pm
A Parkland representative will be here Wednesday, 9th hour for any junior or senior.