Lunch Today:
Fish Shapes
PB&J Power Pack
Popcorn Chicken Bowl
Strawberry Yogurt Parfait
Cheese Pizza
General Announcements
Junior class will be selling ice cream to be delivered during lunch on Feb 28. Orders must be in and paid for by TOMORROW (Friday). There are fliers posted around school - find a flyer and use the QR code to order - this is open to all JH and HS students and staff. No extras will be ordered so be sure to get your order in by Friday. You can bring money to the office or see Ms Jurik to make your payment.
National Honor Society applications are due to Mr. Riggins tomorrow by the end of the school day.
Happy National FFA Week!
If you have dressed up for FFA Week- make sure to fill out your ticket during lunch today to be entered into the raffle
Teachers lunch will be served to you in the ag shop during your lunch time.
Kiss a Pig change collection jars are located in Ms. Zimmerman's room during the day to donate!
The third clue has been posted for the Community “Deere” Scavenger hunt.
Be listening this afternoon for today’s Song of the Day challenge
HS Scholastic Bowl will be dismissed at 2:45pm today
JH Scholastic Bowl will be dismissed at 2:55pm
Kendahl from Heartland College will be visiting Ridgeview High School next week on Tuesday, February 25th, next week. She will be here during 9th hour. She would like to touch base with all students that plan to attend Heartland College next fall. Any juniors that are interested in Heartland are also welcome.
The makeup FAFSA financial aid night will be on Thursday February 27th at 6:00pm in the High School library. All seniors that plan to attend college next fall need to complete the FAFSA form. At least one parent and the student should be in attendance. Please see Mr. Quinn to sign up for this event.