Lunch today:
Macaroni & Cheese w/Ham
BBQ Rib Sandwich
Cheese Pizza
Please wish Sylvia Lopshire, Gabe Anderson & Coby Windle good luck today as they participate in the state competition for WYSE Academic Challenge. Please head to meet Mr. Leinweber in the Library now. These students will be returning after 3rd hour. Best of Luck!
Attn Mrs. Taylor’s 5th hour Math class - report to the main study hall for class today.
Attn High School Students: Please check your email for a survey and fill it out as soon as possible.
The 2021 McLeod-Wargo Theatre Scholarship is now open for application to anyone who has been part of at least one Ridgeview Theatre production as part of the cast or crew.
The online application is available in the Theatre Club Google Classroom, or by contacting Mrs. Lopshire. Applications are due via email before 2:15pm on April 30th for consideration. A committee of RHS teachers will review all applications
There will be a HS Track meeting for anyone interested on Friday at 2:00 in Mr. Kennedy’s room.
Attention Juniors: All juniors will be filling out the pre-test information for the SAT test today at the beginning of 4th period in the library. The SAT test will be given to all juniors on Tuesday, April 13th