Lunch today:
Cheese Quesadilla
BBQ Rib Sandwich
Chicken Tenders w/Bread
Pepperoni Pizza
All students that are currently driving and in Behind The Wheel, please check your emails for the schedule. You will be driving today and tomorrow this week. Bring your permits. Questions, please see Mrs. Schultz.
Please dismiss the JH Softball team today at 2:45p to get ready for their game, bus leaves at 3:00p from the glass hallway.
Homecoming week is approaching quickly with two weeks to go!
Dress up days will be Tuesday September 7 to Friday the 10th.
The parade and bonfire is Wednesday Sept 8th.
The Homecoming game is Friday night Sept 10th
The Homecoming Dance is Saturday Sept 11th at 7 pm.
If you have questions see Mrs. Schultz
All Seniors please check your email and vote for your 2021 homecoming court. You will choose 5 girls and 5 boys to represent your class. please do this by Wednesday
All HS student council members you will have a student council meeting on Thursday in the media center during activity period. Please report to the media center at the start of activity period on Thursday.