Lunch today:

Chicken & Cheese Taco

BBQ Sandwich


Pretzel Sticks w/Cheese

Pepperoni Pizza

There will be NO Activity Bus tonight.  Please plan to have a ride from practice.

There will be no band lessons today, please report to your regular class.

Mrs. Taylor’s 3rd hour health class, please report to the gym at the beginning of 3rd hour today.

Attn Teachers: Please release the volleyball team at 3:00p today.


There will be a High School Student Council Meeting in the Media Center on Thursday during 9th hour.  Questions, please see Mrs. Schultz 


Attention Seniors & Juniors.  There will be 3 college visits this week. 

Midwest Technical Institute will be here today at 2:15

St. Francis College of Nursing will be here Wednesday at 1:30

Greenville University will be here Thursday at 2:30

See Mr. Quinn if you would like to talk to any of these college representatives.