Lunch today:

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Mini Corn Dogs


Dill Chicken Sandwich

Cheese Pizza 

There will be no band lessons today, please report to your regular class.


There will be a High School Student Council Meeting in the Media Center on Thursday during 9th hour.  Questions, please see Mrs. Schultz 

For any high school student interested in joining scholastic bowl, there will be an informational meeting in Mr. Scholp's room during activity period on Tuesday the 26th.

Junior Class officers, please plan to meet at the beginning of 9th hour today in Mrs. Kukuck’s room


Attention Seniors & Juniors.  There are two college visits left this week.

St. Francis College of Nursing will be here today at 1:30

Greenville University will be here Thursday at 2:30

See Mr. Quinn if you would like to talk to any of these college representatives.