Lunch today:
Bosco Sticks
Chicken Nuggets
Yogurt Power Pack
Cheese Pizza
There will be no weights today during activity period.
The annual HS Student Council food drive has started! This is for JH and HS to participate in. You will bring in items to your 9th hour class and compete against all other 9th hour classes. There are some awesome prizes that you have a chance to win. Talk to your 9th hour teachers to find out more!
This Thursday is Veterans Day. We are going to have a dress up day on Thursday. USA Red White and Blue or any branch of the military. Hats are allowed if it fits the theme. If you dress up your name will go into a drawing for a 5 dollar Casey’s gift card courtesy of the HS student council. One JH student and One HS student will win. 1st hour teachers will email your name to the office on Thursday if you dress up!
Any students going on the PE field trip today, please report to the HS gym after 3rd hour.
Picture retakes are today in the APR. Please listen for your group to be called.
Just a reminder. All current BACC juniors that plan to attend the BACC next year, need to fill out the 2022-23 application that can be found on the BACC website. All other students that want to attend the BACC next year need to apply now. Classes fill up quickly.
Lincoln College will be here today at 2:30 to meet with interested seniors and juniors.