Lunch today:

White Cheese Cavatappi

Chicken Nuggets

Egg, Cheese Stick & Muffin

Pepperoni Pizza

Reminder that the HS Student Council Food drive is happening now until Dec 9th.  Start bringing in food items to your 9th hour teachers.

All behind the wheel students, please check your emails for this week's driving schedule.


There will be a JH Wrestling meeting in Mr. Kennedy’s room for any interested students today at 2:40p.

There will be a HS student Council meeting in the media center today during 9th hour.


Just a reminder.  All current BACC juniors that plan to attend the BACC next year, need to fill out the 2022-23 application that can be found on the BACC website.  All other students that want to attend the BACC next year need to apply now.  Classes fill up quickly.