Happy 2-2-2-Tuesday
Lunch today:
Two Bosco Sticks
Two Mini Corn Dogs
Two Mini Ham Sandwiches
Pepperoni Pizza
Pretzel Rods
Happy FFA week!
At 2:45 today will be chick races in the gym. Students wanting to participate check in with your teacher first and head to the gym.
Kiss a pig contest starts today and goes thru Friday
The contestants are: Mr Scholp, Mr. Brunner, Mr Tellez and Mr Miller. We will be collecting money during 9th hour. The teacher with the most money will kiss a pig Friday.
All proceeds will go to the families of Makayla and Olivia.
Behind the Wheel students - Check your email - we will run the same driving schedule as last Tuesday.
There will be a quick WYSE Academic Challenge Meeting tomorrow, Wednesday the 22nd at the beginning of activity period.
There will be a junior class meeting on Thursday 9th hour in the gym.
A representative from Parkland College will be here at 2:00 Wednesday. Any interested seniors or juniors need to see Mr. Quinn to be released to the office for this event.