Lunch today:
Beef Taco
Chicken Sandwich
Strawberry Yogurt Parfait
Pepperoni Pizza
Reminder - Kiss a pig contest ends tomorrow.
Vote for Mr Scholp, Mr. Brunner, Mr Tellez or Mr Miller by donating to their bucket.
The teacher with the most money will kiss a pig Friday.
All proceeds will go to the families of Makayla and Olivia.
There will be vision & hearing screenings today - if you are called to the media center please enter quietly and have a seat. If you have eye glasses, bring them with you.
HS Student Council members - Check your email for information regarding this year's blood drive.
There will be a junior class meeting today during 9th hour in the gym with Janelle Hoffman. This meeting is regarding after prom. Please bring all of your raffle tickets sold and unsold.
Today during 9th hour all 8th grade and HS male athletes need to report to Mr. Kennedy’s room for a brief meeting. Junior guys check in with Mr. Kennedy after your meeting in the gym.
Just a reminder to all seniors. Mr. Quinn has several hard copies of scholarships in his office. Stop by and see which ones could be a good fit for you. One of them is for the trades. Most have deadlines in April or May but a couple have March 1st deadlines. Many of these are also posted on family access.
Attention 8th graders, Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors:
Class registration meetings will be held next week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The meetings will take place in the library and students will report directly to that site 9th period.
The juniors will meet Monday.
The Sophomores will meet Tuesday.
The Freshmen will meet Wednesday.
The 8th graders will meet Thursday