Lunch today:

Cheese Pizza



Buffalo Chicken Pizza

KFC Bowl

Reminder - Kiss a pig contest ends today!

Donations will be collected at lunch.  Last chance to vote for Mr. Scholp.

At 2:30 today is the FFA basketball game.  Teachers please bring your 8th hour classes to the bleachers at that time.  JH on the North bleachers, HS on the south bleachers.

There will be vision & hearing screenings today - if you are called to the media center please enter quietly and have a seat.  If you have eye glasses, bring them with you.

Mrs. Taylor’s 3rd hour health class - report to the gym today.

Atten students - All HS PE classes will be study halls in the gym today.  

HS Track practice starts Monday - meet in Mr. Benton’s room at 3:30.

Olivia and Makaylas bracelets are available  in the High School Office. They are $1…if you want one come and get one.


There will be a meeting for HS students interested in the Bass Fishing Team on Tuesday during 9th hour.


Attention 8th graders, Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors:

Class registration meetings will be held next week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  The meetings will take place in the library and students will report directly to that site 9th period.

The juniors will meet Monday.

The Sophomores will meet Tuesday.

The Freshmen will meet Wednesday.

The 8th graders will meet Thursday