Lunch today:

Chicken & Biscuit



Cheese Pizza

Pretzel Rods w/Cheese

Mrs. Taylor’s 3rd hour health class - report to the gym today.

HS Track practice starts today - meet in Mr. Benton’s room at 3:30. 

Olivia and Makaylas bracelets are available  in the High School Office. They are $1…if you want one come and get one. 


Today at 12:10 Any JH girl interested in track report to Mr. Riggins room to sign up.

There will be a meeting for HS students interested in the Bass Fishing Team tomorrow during 9th hour.

Attention 8th graders, Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors:

Class registration meetings will be held this week.  The meetings will take place in the library and students will report directly to that site 9th period.

The juniors will meet today.

The Sophomores will meet tomorrow.

The Freshmen will meet Wednesday.

The 8th graders will meet Thursday

Attention all FFA members: There will be an FFA meeting during 9th hour in Mrs. Bunting's room to talk about the FFA Auction. Please check in with your teachers first before heading down.  Juniors - report to the library for your meeting with Mr. Quinn and see Mrs. Bunting sometime today or tomorrow.