Lunch today:

Spaghetti & Meatballs

Pepperoni Calzone

Turkey Sandwich

Cheese Pizza

Pretzel Rods

Our annual blood drive is coming up, Thursday March 17th

Students that are 16,17, or 18 wanting to donate blood should make an appointment as soon as possible. If you are 16 or 17 you will need to pick up a consent form in the nurse's office and have it completed before the blood drive

If you donate during the school day you will be excused from classes during that time, they will receive a free T-shirt, they will be entered for a chance to win a trip to the MLB All-Star Game in LA, and there are free snacks after you donate!

If you have any questions stop by the nurses offices for more information. 

Please release the HS Varsity Scholastic Bowl team at 2:30.  Get ready and meet in Mr. Scholp’s room at 2:35.

Mr. Scholp’s 9th hour class report to MR. Riggins room for activity period.