Lunch today:
Bosco Sticks
Spicy Chicken Sandwich
Yogurt Power Pack
Meat Lovers Pizza
Fish Sandwich
Congratulations to Yanaba Schroeder for winning the SAR scholarship!
Next week the junior high students will be taking the Illinois Assessment of Readiness. Please bring a pair of headphones that can be connected to your chromebook for testing. If you need a pair of headphones, you can purchase a pair from the office for $1.
Atten Juniors & Seniors -Prom is Saturday, April 30. Dance cards and after prom permissions slips and waiver are available in the office. After Prom permission slips are due Wednesday, April 20 and Dance cards must be turned in by Friday, April 29. If you haven’t ordered an after prom shirt you may still do so online today at double down industries dot com
Atten students - Do you still need a 20-21 yearbook or did you forget another school year??? We have extra books available in the office! Junior High yearbooks are $15 High School Books are $40.
Attention Interested Seniors:
The McLeod- Wargo Theatre Scholarship is for graduating Ridgeview Seniors with cast or crew experience in at least one RHS Theatre production (Fall Play, Variety Show, or Spring Musical). Please reach out to Mr. Metz for the application and with any questions that you have. Scholarship deadline is Wednesday, April 27th.
Starting Monday - the kitchen will resume selling ala carte items. Chips, cookies and drinks will be available for purchase during lunch. You must have lunch money in your account to purchase.
There will be no High School Track practice tonight.
There will be an FFA meeting during 9th hour, today, in the Ag Room.
Attention dual credit students for the 2022-23 school year:
If you have not taken a placement test yet, you need to see Mr. Quinn about testing. The deadline is April 30th. Appointments need to be made ahead of time. This applies to students that plan to take Critical Reading & Writing, Multimodal Composition, Contemporary Biology, Music Appreciation, or Art Appreciation next year.
Next week on Wednesday is the SAT test for juniors. Any juniors that are staying at the high school after the test to eat lunch need to let the office know by the end of the day on this Friday.
Any Saybrook/Arrowsmith juniors that are driving to the test next Wednesday need to bring in a parent note no later than Monday the 11th.