Lunch today:

Chicken Leg w/ Mac & Cheese

Corn Dogs

Chef Salad

Cheese Pizza

Pretzel Rods w/ Cheese


Seniors: If you have not already,  check your email and complete the senior questionnaire.  This information will be used for the Ridgeview Review Senior Edition, Graduation and the Yearbook.


Attention High School students - if you are short credits and could benefit from summer school, stop by the office and pick up a form.





There will be a hs cheerleading meeting on Wednesday May 4th at 2:40 pm in Mr. Kennedy's room


There will be a meeting for anyone interested in Football Sideline Cheer and Comp Cheer on Thursday May 5th in Mr. Kennedy's room at 2:40 pm




Mr. Quinn can send one sophomore to a leadership seminar in Peoria on June 18th.  If you are interested in this opportunity please see him tomorrow.