Lunch today:
Baked Potato w/ Cheese
Yogurt Power Pack
Pepperoni Pizza
Mozzarella Sticks
Attention High School students - if you are short credits and could benefit from summer school, stop by the office and pick up a form.
Any 6th or 7th grade girl interested in junior high volleyball that hasn’t gotten a camp form, please pick one up in the high school office.
High school volleyball players please get your camp form turned into Coach Kukuck ASAP
There will be a hs cheerleading meeting on Wednesday May 4th at 2:40 pm in Mr. Kennedy's room
There will be a meeting for anyone interested in Football Sideline Cheer and Comp Cheer on Thursday May 5th in Mr. Kennedy's room at 2:40 pm
The Theater Club will be meeting this Thursday 5/5 for about an hour after school. We will be discussing your ideas, brainstorming, and running scenes from some comedies.
Mr. Quinn can send one sophomore to a leadership seminar in Peoria on June 18th. If you are interested in this opportunity please see him today.