Lunch today:


Chicken Sandwich

Power Pack

Cheese Pizza

Pepperoni Calazone

Attention High School students -Forms for summer school are due this Friday.  If you have any questions see Mr. Burke.

Lifeguards are still needed for the Octavia Park Pool! Any high schooler interested in lifeguarding this summer, please see either Mrs. Jones or Mrs. Kukuck for more information. 

Time to order your yearbook if you haven't yet 

Pay in office or on skyward

High school - $40

Jr. high - $15

Please release the HS Baseball team at 2:15pm.

Junior High State Qualifiers meet in the south gym at 2:50 today for the parade of champions.


There will be a HS softball meeting for any current 5th-7th grader girls interested in playing softball next year in Mr. Kennedy's room today at 2:45 pm. 

The Theater Club will be meeting this today 5/12 for about an hour after school.  We will be discussing shows over the summer and running scenes from some comedies


A message from Project Oz:

The truth is that life is going to happen- sometimes for good and sometimes for not.  One true thing is that you always have control over your response.  Making decisions to move you forward puts you in control.  The thing is, when a person drinks alcohol they have a harder time making good decisions.
They are less aware that their behavior may be inappropriate or risky. They are even less likely to
recognize potential danger.  Deciding not to drink alcohol puts you in control and keeps you in the game,