Daily Announcements

Lunch today:

Bosco Sticks



First of playoffs will be this Friday, October 28 at home vs Madison.  Gates open 4:45, kickoff at 7:00pm.

Performances of the Fall play, The Brothers Grimm Spectalulathon, will be this Saturday at 6:30pm and Sunday at 1:30pm.  Tickets are $5 at the door.

The HS Student Council is sponsoring a Halloween Dress Up Contest. 

Halloween is Monday the 31st. High School Student Council would love to encourage the Junior High, High School and Staff to dress up for Halloween on Monday the 31st and show off your best costume!! Each grade level will have a best dressed!! The winner of the best dressed will win a Casey's Gift Card!! If you have any questions about your costume see Mr. Burke. 


Reminder: Scott Seibring will be here tomorrow night to talk financial aid in the library at 5:30.

Bryce Hansen from BACC will be here Thursday during activity period to talk about the programs that they offer.  Sophomore & Juniors - see Mr. Quinn to sign up.