Lunch today:
Beef Nachos
Chicken Nuggets
Yogurt Power Pack
Cheese Pizza
PB&J Pack
The Ridgeview Lexington wrestling team placed 10th out of 28 in the Porta Tournament on Saturday. Individual placers were Gray McCue - 2nd at 195, Braydon Campbell - 3rd at 126, Anthony Wolinsky - 5th at 132, Connor Feit - 7th at 170 and Bryan Moore - 7th at 120. The team travels to Monticello tomorrow and Gibson on Wednesday.
The Library Holiday Coloring Contest ends today! Pick up your coloring sheet and have it turned in to the envelope on the book drop in the high school library by 3:15 today to be entered in the contest. Everyone who enters will receive a small prize, and the grand prize winner gets an Amazon gift card!
Food Drive donations are due by Wednesday!
Musical auditions for Newsies Jr. are Thursday & Friday after school. For more information Mrs. Aupperle or Mr. Marchese
The Theatre Club is hosting a Musical Auditions workshop after school today. Anyone interested meet us in the library
Atten High School students: Finals sheets are now available in the High school office.