Yanaba Schroeder honored at S.A.R. event The Sons’ of the American Revolution General Bartholomew Chapter had their spring meeting on April 7th. 20 seniors from McClean county and the surrounding area were honored at this event. Each school had a nominee that was voted on by the faculty and the students. Of these 20 students, 2 won $1000 scholarships to be used at the college of their choice. Carter Coffman was one of those winners. He is a Lexington senior who played on the Ridgeview/Lexington co op football team. The other student was Yanaba Schroeder from Ridgeview. Yanaba spent last summer doing soil research in Arizona. She worked on the Navajo reservation. Yanaba is half Navajo so it was a very rewarding experience to do research that could be an improvement to her people and the reservation. She has presented her findings to the University of Illinois and Illinois State University. This was a great day for small schools in eastern McClean county.
almost 3 years ago, Brooke Tay
Yanaba SAR winner
Next week is testing week for the Junior High. Students will be taking the Illinois Assessment of Readiness and will be tested in the areas of Math and ELA. Attendance next week is very important. Please send kids to school on time with a charged Chromebook and a pair of headphones. If students need headphones they can be purchased in the office for $1. Have a great weekend and get plenty of rest, so you are ready to go on Monday!
almost 3 years ago, Brandon Burke
HS Softball at Delavan has been cancelled for today. Practice at Lexington from 9-11 am this morning.
almost 3 years ago, Jacob Kennedy
April's Menus, we are still experiencing supply chain issues so menu change may happen. Junior High and High School students have several options everyday for breakfast: Muffins, Breakfast Bars, Cereal, Pop Tarts and Breakfast Pizz. Fruit and Juice is offered daily as well as white milk and chocolate milk.
almost 3 years ago, Carolyn Jent
Illness Reminder!
almost 3 years ago, Alesha Starks (Kern) RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
Illness  Reminder
The HS Baseball game scheduled for today at Midland has been canceled.
almost 3 years ago, Jacob Kennedy
We are hiring! High School Art
almost 3 years ago, Brandon Burke
Art Teacher
Menu Change for Thursday March 17...…we did not receive our shamrock shaped pretzels so we will be having Pepperoni Pizza Calzones as first option.
almost 3 years ago, Carolyn Jent
Snack donations needed: Ridgeview High School Student Council is hosting their 13th annual American Red Cross Blood Drive this Thursday, March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day, from 11am to 5pm. To sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050c4badaf2aa1fd0-ridgeview
almost 3 years ago, Brooke Tay
Picture of an apple
ATTENTION… anyone interested in ordering HS Girls Basketball post-season/end of the season apparel please use the link below. The store will be open till Friday March 18th. https://orders.minervapromotions.com/ridgeview_hs_girls_basketball/shop/home
almost 3 years ago, Jacob Kennedy
All evening activities are on as scheduled for this evening. Best of luck to all those involved in the musical tonight.
almost 3 years ago, Jacob Kennedy
Smile IL Dentist: The Smile IL team plan on returning Monday 3-14, to see the rest of the students sign-up for dental exams.
almost 3 years ago, Alesha Starks (Kern) RN, BSN, PEL-CSN
Good Morning, Due to snow covered icy roads, Ridgeview Schools will be using an E-Learning Day today. Teachers will reach out to students through their classroom platforms this morning. A decision on afternoon and evening activities will be made later today. Stay safe! Mr. Young
almost 3 years ago, Erik Young
Ridgeview High School Student Council is hosting their 13th annual American Red Cross Blood Drive!! It will be held on Thursday, March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day, from11am to 5pm. Every donation helps save the lives of others. Please make an appointment today to donate blood. All donors will receive a free T-shirt and get a $10 e-gift card from our partners at Fanatics! PLUS, you will get a chance to win a trip to the 2022 MLB All-Star Game in LA, including round-trip airfare and 4-night hotel accommodations for 2! See rcblood.org/team for details. To make an appointment visit: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=0405636&fbclid=IwAR2AKuZDJVWzKxL0MhWTasvNBct4fISp23PwI-QvFH2Pmb4i_3zWG-TlBcw
almost 3 years ago, Brooke Tay
Red Cross shamrock picture
Ridgeview Lexington High School Track Apparel store open thru Friday, March 11 https://www.selectspiritwear.com/v5store/pc/viewCategories.asp?idCategory=887
almost 3 years ago, Brooke Tay
Ridgeview Lexington Track Apparel design
Ridgeview Bass Fishing Apparel Store is Open! Store closes Monday, March 21 https://www.doubledownindustries.com/ridgeview-bassfishing
almost 3 years ago, Brooke Tay
Ridgeview Bass Fishing Apparel
Junior High Track apparel store is open! Orders due by March 18 https://www.selectspiritwear.com/v5store/pc/viewCategories.asp?idCategory=658
almost 3 years ago, Brooke Tay
JH Track apparel design
Congratulations to Delanie Wissmiller for being inducted in the Technical Honor Society for the Cerified Nursing Assistant program. This is a tremendous honor. We are proud of you!
almost 3 years ago, Ridgeview Jr/Sr High
There will be a parent meeting for junior high track next Monday, March 7, at 5:30pm in the south gym.
almost 3 years ago, Brooke Tay